Performance Dashboards


Gamified Performance Leaderboards for Daily KPIs

Modern audiences crave visibility on their progress and achievement more than just knowledge. Break barriers of growth by fueling your growth agents and amping up their competitive spirit.

Make daily performance metrics visible

Give your users daily visibility on their metrics, giving them charge over their success, and spurring them to excel day in and day out.

Gamified leaderboards by regions or business lines

Spark enthusiasm and a collective competitive spirit with KPI leaderboards by regions or business lines. Drive Ownership & Pride of Performance – not buzzwords, but recipes for success.

AI-recommended content, activities and challenges to improve performance

Go beyond just dashboards. Configure our AI to empower growth agents with recommendations on how to climb the leaderboards.

Integrations with performance systems

Smooth integrations with business or performance systems. The platform does the legwork, so you can focus on what really matters.

Visibility on past performance

Give users a clear view of progress over time, letting them see how far they’ve come and where they can strive for greater heights.

Use Gamification Themes

Add a gamification theme as a fun twist. Customize your dashboards with QuoDeck’s gamification themes such as race cars or sports league to add excitement.

Features performance dashboards

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